How to find your MAC Address

// Windows XP/NT/2000

  1. Click the Start menu button on the Windows taskbar.
  2. Click 'Run...' on this menu.
  3. Type 'cmd' in the text box that appears. A command prompt window launches on the desktop.
  4. In this command window, type 'ipconfig /all'. Details are shown for each of the computer's network adapters. Computers installed with VPN software or emulation software will possess one or more virtual adapters.
  5. The 'IP Address' field states the current IP address for that network adapter.
  6. The 'Physical Address' field states the MAC address for that adapter.


  • Take care to read the IP address from the correct adapter. Virtual adapters generally show a private address rather than an actual Internet address.
  • Virtual adapters possess software-emulated MAC addresses and not the actual physical address of the network interface card.

// Windows Vista/7

  1. Click the Start menu button on the Windows taskbar.
  2. In the windows search bar above the start button type 'cmd'. A command prompt window launches on the desktop.
  3. In this command window, type 'ipconfig /all'. Details are shown for each of the computer's network adapters. Computers installed with VPN software or emulation software will possess one or more virtual adapters.
  4. The 'IP Address' field states the current IP address for that network adapter.
  5. The 'Physical Address' field states the MAC address for that adapter.


  • Take care to read the IP address from the correct adapter. Virtual adapters generally show a private address rather than an actual Internet address.
  • Virtual adapters possess software-emulated MAC addresses and not the actual physical address of the network interface card.

// Apple OS X

  1. Click on the Apple icon top left.
  2. Click 'About This Mac'
  3. Click 'More Info...'
  4. Find and click on 'Network' in the left hand menu
  5. On the right side you will see a list of devices. Click on the device you are looking for.
  6. Below you will see details on the device. Find the 'MAC Address'

// Ubuntu

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Type 'sudo ifconfig' and press enter
  3. Enter in your sudo/administrator password
  4. Find the line that says HWaddr, this is your systems MAC Address

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